

| Don't throw away your old RDCs and extend their life!


Don't throw away your old RDCs and extend their life!

We provide retailers with an opportunity to extend the life of expensive Refrigerated Display Cabinets (RDC’s), through component remanufacture and upgrade. This service can improve product’s performance and make it better than new at the same time as reducing environmental impact and long-term costs by using more durable materials and energy efficient EC fans and LED lighting systems.


We offer on-site refurbishment and are local to our clients, which helps us decrease the environmental impact of transportation. Our innovative business practices are contributing to the Circular Economy by reducing use of brand new cabinets without sacrificing quality. We also extend the life-cycle of new Refrigerated Display Cabinets we manufacture. Our new RDCs are designed for longevity, with a capability of future remanufacture and are built in use of long life materials, simultaneously increasing their life time in use.

If you want to learn more about remanufacturing call us on 01795 668515 or email [email protected] 
